Jammu & Kashmir Law & Public Policy is an independently run organisation dedicated to promoting free political thought together with active and comprehensive dialogue to raise international awareness of the conflict in Jammu & Kashmir.
Our aim is to sensitise people on the political, legal and everyday struggles of people in the region – aiming to foster an understanding between people of India, Pakistan and all five regions of the erstwhile state of Jammu & Kashmir. We believe this process is vital to facilitating a peaceful resolution of the conflict.
The overwhelming nature of the humanitarian crisis in Kashmir, the historical nature of the conflict and human rights violations have been extensively researched and documented. However, to fully understand the conflict we must examine the mechanisms of control that are employed. The law and policy measures constituting these control mechanisms deserve comprehensive engagement. Our objective is to create a platform specialising in this research.
We compile in-depth research reports on the situation in Kashmir
Working for Peace in Kashmir
The Constitutional Courts and Kashmir
The Constitutional Courts and Kashmir Rights dependent on the goodwill of the Courts can
Hindu Rashtra’s Propaganda on J&K
Hindu Rashtra’s Propaganda on J&K Sandhya Gokhale After the amendment of Article
Coming Together on one Platform
Coming Together on one Platform Jang-Vijay Singh “When the Walls Came Down
The Kashmiri Nation Will Rise
‘The Kashmiri Nation Will Rise’ Kashmir Reading Room Speaks with Sampat Prakash, a Kashmiri
Detention of Freedom, Thought and Expression through the Public Safety Act
Detention of Freedom, Thought and Expression through the Public Safety Act Saaqib Amin Parray
Ladakh – Experience as a Union Territory
Ladakh - Experience as a Union Territory Mustafa Haji Ladakh Was a